Website Basics: Website Header
There is so much information that you CAN add to the header of a website. The question is…what is the MOST important for your business or nonprofit organization?
The header appears on the top of each website page. It is HIGHLY visible and especially important to have key information appearing in the header of your website. What are a few of the most important things your small business or nonprofit want the visitor to your website to view?
Take a look at the header for May Web Design, LLC.
Remember, this is YOUR website so there is no wrong answer here. Think about the visitor coming to your website.
What would be the most essential information for them?
How would they navigate your website?
What are their next steps after visiting?
Some of the most popular items to add to your webpage header (in no particular order):
Name and Logo (tagline, if you have one)
I would suggest always putting your name and logo on the header of your website. You want your visitor to know, without a doubt, whose website they are viewing. If your business or nonprofit organization has a tagline it can be added here, as well.
Social Media Icons
This information can bring them to your social media links with an easy click of the button.
Contact Information
It may be important to add your physical address, phone number or email address. This is a way to contact your business or nonprofit organization.
Call To Action (CTA) Button
Do you want the visitor to do something before they leave? This could be a button to Donate, Call Us, etc.
Navigation Link
Most websites list the pages at the top of the website so visitors can move around quickly.
Shopping Cart Icon
If you have a store on your website and sell anything you will need to have a cart on the header row. Normally, this cart is on the upper right-hand corner of most websites.
Multi-language toggle
If this is important to your business or nonprofit organization, make sure to add a language toggle to the website header so it can be enabled on any page.
The header of a website holds valuable information that visitors and the website owner find important and successful to the visitors’ interaction with the website. A website is a 24/7 welcome to your business or nonprofit organization. You want to welcome the visitor and put everything they need in easily accessible places.
Keep the header small with only the important information listed. If you had everything on this list it may be too busy and overwhelming for a visitor.
Test your website on a mobile/tablet device so you can see what it will look like. There is even less room there than the computer.
Make sure to only put the most important items on the website header.
Look at my latest blog entitled, Website Basics: Website Footer, to get ideas about what to put on a business or nonprofit organization website footer.
Keep in mind, these are just suggestions. Always remember - this is YOUR website for YOUR visitors. Make sure to think about what the most important information for you and your visitor would be when viewing your website. Look at my website and you will see what I feel is important information for my business website. Always remember - websites can be changed. Maybe something that you thought would be important is not essential anymore or your business/organization has changed. Make sure to design a website and keep it up-to-date, fresh, and new.
Good luck! May Web Design, LLC creates websites on a Squarespace platform that are affordable and enable clients to take ownership of and update themselves. We offer maintenance packages and special projects. Contact May Web Design, LLC to design a website or assist after the website has been designed.