What’s included in each website design process?
Professional Website Design • Mobile Friendly Design
Online Sales Integration
Search Engine Optimization (maximizing the number of visitors to your website)
Browser Icon • Domain Transfer
Logo Design
Social Media Integration
Training on how to update your website

Are you ready for the website you envision?
Let’s bring your vision to life with a seamless design process. We start with a Pre-Design meeting to explore your website’s goals, style, and content. Your website will be designed in just two weeks, and we'll ensure you’re equipped with the knowledge to manage it effectively.
One hour Consultation Meeting before two week design build to discuss client responsibilities and Project Form.
The Project Form will guide us in discussing the goals for your website, the style, and the content.
May Web Design, LLC Responsibilities
Full Desktop and Mobile Website Design
Logo Designed, if added to package
Design Pages
Add Content
Add Images
Embed Links
Add Website Functionality
If domain exists, begin domain transfer
Friday - Website review via Zoom call
Client Responsibilities
Submit as many edits as needed Monday - Wednesday, deadline is Wednesday at 1pm EST
Connect Payment Processor
Purchase Domain and/or Website Hosting
May Web Design, LLC Responsibilities
Complete all client edits
Test Functionality
Finish Design Style
Friday - 1 hour Teaching Session on how to use your website
Website Launch