An Insider Look at Designing a Lock Screen
The lock screen has been extremely helpful for our club. We can keep information all in one place but not available to every visitor/non-club member. Depending on how you use the website the password can be added to the full website or individual pages and looks great on all devices. As with all Squarespace websites, all the pages are mobile friendly. Good luck!
Button Basics in Squarespace 7.1
Button Blocks are also called calls to action or CTA’s. Buttons can be linked to your website, external content, email address or phone number. This is an invitation to the user to take the next step.
5 Quick Tips and Tricks for Squarespace 7.1
Quick tips and tricks can save time when designing or updating a website. I found a few that I love and want to pass on to others. These are time saving tools that I was able to quickly use and will continue to use in my own website and when designing websites.