Start Planning Now for the Holiday Season

The holiday season begins in November and runs through the end of December. Customers will be purchasing for many different holidays.

  • The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday and in-store deep discounts are offered at many stores that day. Normally, this is the start of the holiday shopping season.

  • Small Business Saturday is the Saturday after Thanksgiving where customers like to shop local businesses.

  • Cyber Monday has become the most popular e-commerce deep discount day for online shopping. This is the Monday following Thanksgiving weekend.

Make sure the holidays don’t sneak up on you. If you decide to take part in discounts make sure that your website is ready and that you advertise in advance, letting customers know there will be sales for that day only or for a certain time period. You may want to let your viewers know what kind of discounts you offer, or you may want this to be a surprise that is released on your sale day.

Make sure to mark your calendars for after the holidays so you can remove all discounts and any holiday images from the website and get ready or the new year!

What are some things you can do with your Squarespace website to prepare for the holidays or any sale?

  1. Set up an announcement banner to let visitors know about your sale dates and times. The announcement bar is on the top of the website. Follow this link for directions: Squarespace Marketing Basics: Announcement Bar

  2. Set up a Promotional Pop-Up to convey information to visitors about your sale. The Promotional Pop-Up can appear on any page of the website. Follow the link for the directions: Squarespace Marketing Basics: Promotional Pop-Up

  3. Set up a discount code. This can include free shipping, percent off, and more. Follow the link for the directions: Squarespace Basics: Commerce|Online Shopping Discounts

  4. Add sale prices to your website. Once the sale day and time arrives make sure to change prices on the inventory that will go on sale. Follow the link for the directions: Squarespace Commerce Basics: Sale Prices

  5. Make sure your SEO is working for your website. Read the Squarespace article: SEO Tips to Boost Your Traffic During the Holiday Season. Great tips for anytime of the year.

  6. Advertise. Make sure to let your social media friends and followers know bout your sale. Follow the link for the directions: Squarespace Marketing Basics: Tagging Physical Products on Instagram and Facebook

  7. Add a button that visitors can click on right at the top of the landing page so they can be directed to the sale items in your store. Follow the link for the directions: Button Basics in Squarespace 7.1

Any sale throughout the year is an important way to get your name and business in front of many people. Make sure you use as many ways as possible to let people know about you. Good luck!

May Web Design, LLC refreshes and creates affordable websites that enable clients to take ownership and update themselves on a Squarespace platform. I enjoy helping clients increase customer engagement with a website and improve their overall web presence. The most important part of my business is that when I have completed and reviewed the website with a client, I teach the client how to update their website so that they can keep it fresh and new. A website offers a 24/7 welcome to prospective members, showing them what your business or organization has accomplished and what you plan to do. If built correctly it should welcome people to the site and show them around in a comfortable way.  

If you are interested in discussing the needs of a website for your business or nonprofit organization contact May Web Design, LLC. Starting out with a basic brochure website may be all that your business or organization needs. Your website should grow with you and change as needed. 

May Web Design, LLC

Donna M. May, Web Designer

May Web Design, LLC creates professional, user-friendly websites that empower clients to manage their online presence.

My business model is straightforward. I specialize in transforming your vision into a fully functional website while empowering you with the necessary tools to effortlessly maintain and update your platform.

Squarespace Extensions: Legal Assistance


Squarespace Basics: Website Panel Change