I have been waiting and hoping for something like this within the Squarespace platform!

Blocks are sections of a website page. You may move these blocks throughout the page but up until recently you could not move to other pages within the same website.

This new release of saved sections makes it possible to create a block on one page of a website, save it, and use it on another page within the same website. I have designed many websites and want to move special sections to another page. In order to do that I would have to rename the page and recreate other sections. This was time consuming.

These saved sections are also independent sections meaning once saved you can use on a different page within the website and make changes. These changes will not affect the original saved section.

As soon as I saw this release, I tried it and LOVE it.

So how do you save a section?

In your website, select edit on your page. Select the block you want to save and select the heart icon in the edit area to the upper right.

How do you use a saved section on another page within the website?

Once you click the heart icon to save the section it will appear in your my saved sections. To use your saved section, edit any page in the website, and select Add Section. In the formatting tool your saved section will now appear.

Squarespace updates its websites often and the features added are always welcome and so useful. When a client asks if I can do something on their website, I always check new updates before answering the question. I can usually do a work around but am so happy when Squarespace has made updates that are time saving for me and my clients. Teaching clients how to use their website going forward is a part of my business model. I want my clients to keep their website updated as often as possible.

May Web Design, LLC creates affordable websites that enable clients to take ownership and update themselves on a Squarespace platform. I enjoy helping clients increase customer engagement with a website and improve their overall web presence. The most important part of my business is that when I have completed and reviewed the website with a client, I teach the client how to update their website so that they can keep it fresh and new. A website offers a 24/7 welcome to all, showing them what your business or organization has accomplished and what you plan to do. If built correctly it should welcome people to the site and show them around in a comfortable way.   

If you are interested in discussing the needs of a website for your business or nonprofit organization, contact May Web Design, LLC. Starting out with a basic brochure website may be all that your business or organization needs. Your website should grow with you and change as needed. 

I work with my clients so that I may design the website they envision and, most importantly, teach them how to update their website to keep the information fresh and new. While you are busy building your small business or nonprofit, I can create a website to grow with your dreams. I have a list of services on my website as well as a portfolio of my websites and testimonial from past clients. You may even set up a free 30 minute initial consultation call to discuss your website project.

May Web Design, LLC

May Web Design, LLC

Donna M. May, Web Designer

May Web Design, LLC creates professional, user-friendly websites that empower clients to manage their online presence.

My business model is straightforward. I specialize in transforming your vision into a fully functional website while empowering you with the necessary tools to effortlessly maintain and update your platform.


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